Show pagesourceOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top PrintPermalink × This is an old revision of the document! Our supporter: Center for Intelligent Management Systems Center for Intelligent Management Systems has been operating since September 2018 at the Wrocław University of Economics and Business. The main objective of the Centre is to initiate and conduct scientific, research and development work through the projects financed from national and international funds, mainly in the field of management support using artificial intelligence. Within the Centre there is scientific, research and development cooperation between universities and enterprises from Poland and abroad. The results of the projects are implemented in the business activity of enterprises and disseminated through scientific publications in international journals and publications. The Centre for Intelligent Management Systems is a co-organiser of the annual international scientific conference “International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence” and an intercollegiate scientific seminar “Collective Intelligence in Information Systems”. en/wspierajacy/imscenter.1580839622.txt.gz Last modified: 5 years ago(external edit)