Polish Artificial Intelligence Society (PSSI)

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society was founded on 27 November 2009 and registered on March 22, 2010. It has been a member of ECCAI since 18 August 2010.

The goal of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society is to promote and support scientific, educational and cultural activities with regard to popularization, development, application of theories, methods and tools of artificial intelligence and other areas of computer science and to disseminate their achievements among the general public.

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society membership declaration is available only in Polish (see here).

We are a member of EurAI

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society (PSSI) is a member of EurAI.
The following EurAI benefits and privileges are available for members of PSSI:

  • reduced EurAI conference registration fees,
  • reduced fees for attending ACAI summer schools,
  • free access to the AI Communications Journal,
  • eligibility for EurAI travel awards,
  • participation in the EurAI Fellows program,
  • eligibility for EurAI dissertation awards,
  • discount off list price for ECAI proceedings and books in the FAIA series published by IOS,
  • free listings on EurAI's webpages to promote AI activities,
  • access to EurAI's mailing lists for information broadcasting,
  • active participation in all discussions and events organized by EurAI.

Current list of benefits is available on EurAI website.

PSSI jest członkiem EAI

EAI (EUROPEAN ALLIANCE FOR INNOVATION) is a no-profit organization supported by the European Commission that fosters ICT-enabled innovation and matchmaking to improve European competitiveness and to benefit society.

Polish Artificial Intelligence Society is a member of EAI. There are several benefits and privileges available for members of PSSI, such as:

  • EAI will spread the PSSI's news, activities, etc. through the EAI website and events search tool.
  • PSSI can benefit from EAI INNO-MATCH, a unique matchmaking community tool which allows EAI users to propose, share and search collaboration opportunities and EAI-endorsed events inside the community.
  • PSSI can benefit from the EAI Fellowship Program within the EAI INNOVATION ACADEMY, the distinctive body established by the EAI to recognize excellence in innovation contributions to research and practice in all stages of innovation activities.
  • PSSI can join EAI SUMMITS activity by proposing a workshop, panel or by suggesting a technical session presentation as an organizing committee member, sponsor, or exhibitor.
  • en/membership.txt
  • Last modified: 2 years ago
  • by kkutt