

prof. Piotr Faliszewski

Prof. Piotr Faliszewski joined the distinguished list of EurAI Fellows

We are very pleased to announce that our member, Prof. Piotr Faliszewski, has been awarded the prestigious title of EurAI Fellow.
The official announcement of the distinction can be found at: https://www.eurai.org/eurai-fellows-2023

We sincerely congratulate the Professor on this success and are happy that another member of the Polish AI community is among this honorable group!

PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2022

We are very pleased to announce the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (12th Edition, 2022):

  • 2022 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr inż. Kalina Kobus, Efficient algorithms for extreme multi-label classification
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Dembczyński, Poznan University of Technology.
  • Honourable mention in the competition for the 2022 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence:
    dr Tomasz Wąs, Axiomatization of the Walk-Based Centrality Measures
    Supervisor: dr hab. Marcin Dziubiński, University of Warsaw.

ECAI 2023 in Kraków, PL! -- Call for Papers, Workshops, Tutorials

We cordially invite you all to participate in the ECAI 2023 conference organised by PSSI, which will take place on 30.09-5.10 in Kraków, PL.

Detailed call for papers, call for workshops and call for tutorials have been posted on the conference website: https://ecai2023.eu/

We also encourage you to widely disseminate information about the conference in your institutions and to all colleagues!

4th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PP-RAI'2023)

On behalf of the Steering Committee of the Polish Alliance for the Development of Artificial Intelligence,
we are very pleased to invite you to participate in the next edition of the Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence organised by the Lodz University of Technology in cooperation with the Polish Alliance for the Development of Artificial Intelligence (PP-RAI).

Konferencja odbędzie się w dn. 24-26 kwietnia 2023 roku w Łodzi.
Termin przesyłania abstraktów/referatów upływa 27 lutego 2023 roku.
Szczegóły dotyczące konferencji znajdziecie Państwo w Call for Papers oraz na dedykowanej stronie: https://pp-rai.pl/
Serdecznie zachęcamy do udziału w tym wydarzeniu!

The conference will be held on 24-26 April 2023 in Łódź.
The deadline for submitting abstracts/papers is 27 February 2023.
Details of the conference can be found in Call for Papers and on the dedicated website: https://pp-rai.pl/
We warmly encourage you to participate in this event!

We would also like to remind you that the aim of the conference is to integrate the AI community in Poland, and its organisers are the Signatories of the PP-RAI Agreement, i.e:

  • PSSI - Polish Artificial Intelligence Society,
  • PTSN - Polish Neural Network Society,
  • Polish Special Interest Group on Machine Learning PL SIGML,
  • Polish Chapter of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society,
  • Polish Chapter of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.

PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2021

We are very pleased to announce the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (11th Edition, 2021):

  • 2021 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr inż. Paweł Zyblewski, Classifier selection for imbalanced data stream classification
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Michał Woźniak, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.
  • Honourable mention in the competition for the 2021 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence:
    dr inż. Michał Koziarski, Imbalanced data preprocessing techniques utilizing local data characteristics
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Bogusław Cyganek, AGH University of Science and Technology.

PP-RAI'2022 conference in Gdynia

On behalf of the Steering Committee of the Polish Alliance for the Development of Artificial Intelligence,
we are very pleased to inform you about the decision to organize the next PP-RAI conference.

The conference of the Polish Alliance for the Development of Artificial Intelligence (PP-RAI) will be held on 25-27 April 2022 in Gdynia.
The organisers hope to organise this next edition of the Polish AI conference in a traditional formula.

The deadline for submitting papers is 20 February 2022. You can find details about the conference on the dedicated website: http://pp-rai2022.umg.edu.pl

We warmly encourage you to participate in this event!

We would also like to remind you that the aim of the conference is to integrate the AI community in Poland, and its organisers are the Signatories of the PP-RAI Agreement, i.e:

  • PSSI - Polish Artificial Intelligence Society,
  • PTSN - Polish Neural Network Society,
  • Polish Special Interest Group on Machine Learning PL SIGML,
  • Polish Chapter of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society,
  • Polish Chapter of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.

ECAI 2023 conference in Krakow, and the 12th anniversary of PSSI!

27.11.2021 marks the 12th anniversary of the founding of PSSI.

For this 12th anniversary, we have achieved the success that many of you have been asking about in recent years.
By decision of the EurAI General Assembly on 26.10.2021, the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence – ECAI – will be held in 2023 for the first time in Poland, in Krakow.
This is a huge success for our entire community, for which we have worked over the years, participating scientifically and organisationally in the European and global AI community.

Krakow's application won with Trondheim, which is worth mentioning won decisively with 68/32 percent of the votes, which gives us reasons for satisfaction.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Board of PSSI for their strong support of the work, and the organising committee which, apart from representatives of the Kraków community, included our members from Poznań, Wrocław and Warsaw.
We will be looking forward to expanding the committee and cooperating with other centres.
I would also like to thank our Fellows, Professors Matwin, Kacprzyk and Skowron for supporting our efforts at home and abroad!

Save the date: July 9-11, 2023, Krakow :-)

Best regards,
Grzegorz J. Nalepa, ECAI2023 OCC

prof. Janusz Kacprzyk

Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk is a member of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

We are very pleased to inform you that
Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk, EurAI Fellow, a member of the PSSI Scientific Council
was elected a foreign member in
The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Founded in 1918, it is the oldest and largest academy of the former USSR.
At its foundation it consisted of three faculties – history and philology,
physics and mathematics, and social and economic sciences. Today it consists
of 13 faculties with about 170 institutes and other research institutions.
It is the most important scientific institution in Ukraine. It also acts
actively as an advisory body to the Government and Parliament of Ukraine.
The Academy has 166 full members, 357 correspondent members
and 81 foreign members.

PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2020

We are very pleased to announce the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (10th Edition, 2020):

  • 2020 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr inż. Jakub Sawicki, Memetic exploration of the objective insensitivity regions in continuous global optimization
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Robert Schaefer, AGH University of Science and Technology.
  • Honourable mention in the competition for the 2020 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence:
    dr inż. Alicja Kwaśniewska, Thermal Images Analysis Methods using Deep Learning Techniques for the Needs of Remote Medical Diagnostics
    Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Jacek Rumiński, prof. PG, Gdańsk University of Technology.

Łukasiewicz - EMAG

Our new supporter: Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG

We are very pleased to welcome our new supporter: Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG from Katowice!

Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG is a network institute specializing in applied computer science, technical informatics and information technologies. It deals with, among others, cyber security, artificial intelligence (AI/ML), data analysis (decision support systems), IoT (Industry 4.0, Smart Cities), digital public services and laboratory research. The unit carries out tasks affecting the computerisation and IT security of the country. Among others, it participates in the creation of the National Scheme for Security and Privacy Assessment and Certification of IT products and systems in accordance with CommonCriteria. It is also co-implementing a project envisaging the launch of a Cyber Security Centre. In the field of AI/ML, the institute carries out a number of works and R&D projects related to the issues of: treatment personalization, clinical and genetic data analysis, AI/ML applications in cyber security, machine and device diagnostics, creation of analytical platforms for processing sensitive data. Examples of key AI/ML projects carried out at the Institute include:

  • Integrated Analytical Platform
  • A skeleton system for automatic translation into Polish Sign Language using a virtual human figure mechanism
  • Construction of a tool dedicated to protection of users, systems and devices of the Internet of Things, based on machine learning and behavioural analysis
  • Childhood ALL in Poland (CALL-POL) project: a national harmonization of diagnostics and treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children

Łukasiewicz-EMAG specialists also participate – as experts – in the preparation of AI/ML challenges and competitions announced on the GovTech platform.

We invite you to take a look at the Institute's website: http://ibemag.pl/en/

ECAI 2020 conference will be fully digital!

This year's edition of ECAI (European Conference on AI) organized by EurAI (European Association for Artificial Intelligence) due to the pandemic is entirely remote. The participants do not have to pay a fee, but it is necessary to register on the conference website.

This year the main topic of the conference is “Paving the way towards Human-Centric AI”. ECAI 2020 will last 11 days (29.08-08.09), during which there will be more than 80 scientific sessions, more than 60 workshops and tutorials, as well as many social events to introduce Santiago de Compostela, where the conference takes place (remotely). We cordially invite you to participate!

For more information see conference website: https://digital.ecai2020.eu/

PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2019

We are very pleased to announce the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (Edition 2019):

  • 2019 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr inż. Marek Kowalski, Localization and tracking of facial landmarks in images and video sequences
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Władysław Skarbek, Warsaw University of Technology.
  • Honourable mention in the competition for the 2019 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence:
    dr inż. Filip Malawski, Automatic analysis of techniques and body motion patterns in sport
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Bogdan Kwolek, AGH University of Science and Technology.

Migration of PSSI website to a new server and migration of mailing lists to Google

We kindly inform you that on 26th May 2020 the PSSI website was moved to a new server. In parallel, we have migrated PSSI mailing lists to Google Groups.

What has changed?

Our new supporter: Center for Intelligent Management Systems

We are very pleased to announce that the Center for Intelligent Management Systems from Wrocław joined the group of our Supporting Members!

Center for Intelligent Management Systems has been operating since September 2018 at the Wrocław University of Economics and Business. The main objective of the Centre is to initiate and conduct scientific, research and development work through the projects financed from national and international funds, mainly in the field of management support using artificial intelligence. Within the Centre there is scientific, research and development cooperation between universities and enterprises from Poland and abroad. The results of the projects are implemented in the business activity of enterprises and disseminated through scientific publications in international journals and publications. The Centre for Intelligent Management Systems is a co-organiser of the annual international scientific conference “International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence” and an intercollegiate scientific seminar “Collective Intelligence in Information Systems”.

We encourage you to visit the Center website: http://imscenter.pl/

PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2018

We have announced the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (Edition 2018):

  • 2018 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr inż. Michał Nowicki, Methods for the fusion of quantitative and qualitative information using factor graph optimization for the simultaneous localization and mapping problem
    Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Piotr Skrzypczyński, Poznan University of Technology.
  • Honourable mention in the competition for the 2018 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence:
    dr inż. Paweł Liskowski, Heuristic algorithms for discovery of search objectives in test-based problems
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Krawiec, Poznan University of Technology.

EurAI PhD Dissertation Award - Call for Nominations

We would like to inform you about the opening of nominations for the 2018 Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award sponsored by EurAI, the European Association of Artificial Intelligence. Eligible doctoral dissertations are those defended after December 1, 2017 in the general area of Artificial Intelligence. Nominations are due by May 13, 2019. More information can be found in announcement.

Polish Agreement for the Development of Artificial Intelligence

We are happy to announce that thanks to the intense work in the summer, the PSSI Board together with fellows from four other organizations managed to prepare the first congress of the Polish AI environment, called “Polish Agreement for the Development of Artificial Intelligence” (pl: “Polskie Porozumienie na rzecz Rozwoju Sztucznej Inteligencji”). The congress will take place in October in Poznań, and its local organizer is Prof. J. Stefanowski. The congress is not a scientific conference, but a working meeting with, among others, lead to the development of a review report on the state of the Polish scientific community dealing with SI in a broad sense.

More information can be found on the congress website (only in polish).

Support for CLAIRE from the Polish AI Society

The Polish AI Society officially supports the CLAIRE initiative (Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe). The CLAIRE project aims to create a distributed research environment for artificial intelligence, equally exciting, well-known and influential as CERN for nuclear physics.

More information about the initiative can be found at https://claire-ai.org/.

New PSSI website

The PSSI website has a refreshed appearance. We hope that it's usage will be more enjoyable than it was before :-)

PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2017

We have announced the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (Edition 2017):

  • 2017 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr Marcin Waniek, Hiding in Social Networks
    Supervisors: dr hab. Piotr Faliszewski, AGH; dr Tomasz Michalak, Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki UW.
  • Honourable mentions in the competition for the 2017 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence:
    • dr Karol Kurach, Deep Neural Architectures for Algorithms and Sequential Data
      Supervisor: dr hab. Hung Son Nguyen, Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki UW.
    • dr inż. Karol Walędzik, Połączenie metod symulacyjnych oraz dziedzinowych metod heurystycznych w zagadnieniach dynamicznego podejmowania decyzji
      Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Mańdziuk, Politechnika Warszawska.

Symposium AAIA'18 (Poznan, 9-12.09.2018)

PSSI has taken the scientific patronage of the 13th International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA'18), which will be held in Poznan on 9-12 September 2018.

For more information see: https://fedcsis.org/2018/aaia

2040.io is a new supporting member of PSSI!

We are very pleased to announce that in January, the 2040.io company joined the group of our supporting members.

2040.io is a Krakow-based company focusing on creating assistants, analyzing the current activities of users and their context, and helping to make the right business decisions. They meet the growing amounts of data and the increasing level of complexity of CRM or Business Intelligence systems.

The company is also involved in the popularization of Artificial Intelligence through the organization of AI meetups. From this year, PSSI will become the scientific patron of these events.

prof. Janusz Kacprzyk

Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk is a member of The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

We are very pleased to inform you that a member of the PSSI Scientific Council,
Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk, EurAI Fellow, was elected a foreign member in
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters (Societas Scientiarum Fennica).

Founded in 1838, it deals with all fields of science within four separate sections:
I) mathematics and physics, II) life sciences, III) humanities, IV) social sciences.
It has 120 national members and 126 foreign members.
The professor is the first member of the Academy from Poland.

Annual General Meeting of PSSI members

The Annual General Meeting of Polish Association of Artificial Intelligence took place on the December 21, 2017 in Kraków.

The PSSI Board Report for 2014-2017 was presented. It is available at the Documents page (in polish only, access only for PSSI members).

Also a new board has been elected for a term of four years:

  • Grzegorz J. Nalepa - President,
  • Ryszard Tadeusiewicz - Vice-president,
  • Jerzy Stefanowski - Vice-president,
  • Dominik Ślęzak - Vice-president,
  • Krzysztof Kutt - Secretary.

The meeting was complemented by solemn acknowledgments for Antoni Ligęza and Krzysztof Kluza for many years of huge contribution to the Society's activities.

PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2016

We have announced the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (Edition 2016):

  • 2016 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr inż. Bartosz Krawczyk, Forming and pruning one-class classifier ensembles
    Supervisors: prof dr hab inż. Michał Woźniak, Politechnika Wrocławska; prof. Francisco Herrera, Universidad de Granada, Hiszpania.
  • Honourable mention in the competition for the 2016 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr inż. Szymon Bobek, Methods for modeling self-adaptive mobile context-aware systems
    Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Grzegorz J. Nalepa, prof. AGH, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza.
  • Special prize for outstanding theoretical dissertation in the competition for the 2016 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr Anna Powała, Modeling dialogues in multiagent systems: a paraconsistent approach
    Supervisor: prof dr hab. Barbara Dunin-Kęplicz, Uniwersytet Warszawski.

prof. Janusz Kacprzyk

Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk received the honorary degree at the Óbuda University in Budapest

We are pleased to announce that on November 21 Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk received the honorary degree (honoris causa) at the Óbuda University in Budapest. It is a very old university, which was founded in 1389 as Obuda University (in the oldest part of Budapest, i.e. Obuda), then it was closed many times, opened, renamed (e.g. recently Budapest Polytechnic) etc. and since 2010 it functions as Obuda University again.

prof. Roman Słowiński

Prof. Roman Słowiński becomes an IEEE Fellow

PSSI is delighted to announce that Prof. Roman Słowiński (Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology) has been selected as the new IEEE Fellow “for contributions to dominance-based rough set theory, robust ordinal regression and preference learning”.
The ECCAI selection committee acknowledged the excellence of his scientific research.

Congratulations and we wish you further successes!

PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2015

We have announced the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (Edition 2015):

  • 2015 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr Dariusz Brzeziński, Block-based and Online Ensembles for Concept-drifting Data Streams
    Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Jerzy Stefanowski, prof. nadzw., Politechnika Poznańska.
  • Honourable mentions in the competition for the 2015 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence:
    • dr Tomasz Pawlak, Competent Algorithms for Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming
      Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Krawiec, prof. nadzw., Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Informatyki.
    • dr Marcin Szeląg, Application of the Dominance-based Rough Set Approach to Ranking and Similarity-based Classification Problems
      Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Roman Słowiński, Zakład Inteligentnych Systemów Wspomagania Decyzji, Instytut Informatyki, Politechnika Poznańska.
  • 2015 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Theoretical Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr Oskar Skibski, Shapley Value for Games with Externalities and Games on Graphs
    Supervisor: prof dr hab. Andrzej Szałas (Instytut Informatyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski)

The AI Summit 2016

The AI Summit 2016, London 5/5/16

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society cordially invites you to the The AI Summit 2016 (London, 5/5/16) – the world's only conference dedicated to the practical implications of Artificial Intelligence for business internationally.

The AI Summit looks at all the technologies under the AI umbrella including Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Voice/Image/Video Recognition and Cognitive Computing.

More information: The AI Summit London brochure.

prof. Janusz Kacprzyk

Professor J. Kacprzyk becomes a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

We are very pleased to announce that Professor Janusz Kacprzyk, a member of the Scientific Committee of PSSI, has been elected as a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.

European Academy of Sciences and Arts is an association of scholars and friends of Sciences with headquarters in Salzburg.
It was created in 1990 and its members include 29 Nobel Prize winners.

PSSI supports the Flexible Query Answering Systems conference FQAS 2015

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society supports scientifically the Flexible Query Answering Systems 2015 conference
that will be held in Krakow, Poland, on October 26-28, 2015.

PSSI supports BDmeetsML'2015

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society cordially invites you to "Big Data meets Machine Learning" (BDmeetsML'2015).

Big Data meets Machine Learning (BDmeetsML'2015) is a workshop and training event devoted to educate researchers and graduate students. BDmeetsML'2015 will take place on May 21-24 at Wroclaw University of Technology, a leading Engineering and Science school in Poland. The event is organized within the Engine project.

PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2014

We have announced the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (Edition 2014):

  • 2014 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr Marcin Szubert, Politechnika Poznańska,
    Coevolutionary Shaping for Reinforcement Learning”.
    Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Krawiec, Politechnika Poznańska.
  • 2014 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr Konrad Andrzej Ciecierski, Politechnika Warszawska,
    System wspomagania decyzji w chirurgicznym leczeniu choroby Parkinsona”.
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Raś, Politechnika Warszawska.
  • Honourable mention in the competition for the 2014 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr Leszek Gajecki, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza,
    Modelowanie języka naturalnego (polskiego) dla potrzeb systemu rozpoznawania mowy klasy LVCST”.
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza.

prof. Janusz Kacprzyk

Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk becomes an ECCAI Fellow

PSSI is delighted to announce that Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk has been selected by the ECCAI Fellows committee as the new ECCAI Fellow.
The ECCAI selection committee acknowledged the excellence of his scientific research.


PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2013

We have announced the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (Edition 2013):

  • 2013 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr Tomasz Kajdanowicz, Politechnika Wrocławska,
    Classification Methods based on Multi-label Problem Transformation”.
    Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Przemysław Kazienko.
  • Honourable mention in the competition for the 2013 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr Piotr Bigaj, Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN,
    A memetic algorithm for the global path planning with movement constraints for a non-holonomic mobile robot”.
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Kacprzyk, Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN.
  • Honourable mention in the competition for the 2013 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr Michał Lech, Politechnika Gdańska,
    Metody i algorytmy sterowania procesami miksowania dźwięku za pomocą gestów w oparciu o analizę obrazu wizyjnego”.
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Bożena Kostek, Politechnika Gdańska.
  • Honourable mention in the competition for the 2013 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
    dr Krystyna Napierała, Politechnika Poznańska,
    Improving Rule Classifiers For Imbalanced Data”.
    Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Jerzy Stefanowski, Politechnika Poznańska.

We have announced the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (Edition 2013):

dr inż. Tomasz Kajdanowicz dr inż. Piotr Bigaj dr inż. Michał Lech dr inż. Krystyna Napierała
dr inż. Tomasz
dr inż. Piotr Bigaj dr inż. Michał Lech dr inż. Krystyna

More information about the winners and their dissertations can be found on the subpage 2013 Winners.

Web Intelligence Congress 2014 becomes the official PSSI conference for 2014!

WIC (Web Intelligence Congress) 2014

We are pleased to announce that this year WIC 2014 has been selected by the Polish AI Society
(Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sztucznej Inteligencji – PSSI) as the official PSSI conference for 2014.
PSSI warmly invites all its members to submit papers to the conference (deadline: 30.03.2013).
We hope to meet you in Warsaw!

The WIC (Web Intelligence Congress) 2014 will be held on 11-14 of August in Warsaw, Poland.

Conference website: http://wic2014.mimuw.edu.pl/.

PSSI supports the Intelligent Systems IS’14

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society supports scientifically the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems IS’14
that will be held in Warsaw, Poland, between 24th and 26th of September 2014.

PSSI supports the WIC (Web Intelligence Congress) 2014

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society supports scientifically the |WIC (Web Intelligence Congress) that will be held at the historical Central Campus of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, between 11th and 14th of August 2014. WIC 2014 will include four conferences focused on Web Intelligence, Intelligent Agents, Active Media as well as Brain Informatics and Health, in order to increase the cross-fertilization of ideas from different communities.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Wishing you happiness at Christmas time, and prosperity throughout the new year 2014, personal and scientific fulfillment, especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence May Peace Hope and Love be with you Today Tomorrow and Always Merry Christmas! Christmas cards have been sent to all the PSSI members.

Annual General Meeting of PSSI members

The Annual General Meeting of Polish Association of Artificial Intelligence took place on the 8th of November 2013 in Kraków. The meeting attended 24 members who summed up the passing year and discussed the plans for the forthcoming. During the meeting diplomas were given to the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (Edition 2012). Moreover, prof. Roman Słowiński, prof. Krzysztof Cios, prof. Leszk Rutkowski and prof. Antoni Ligęzę joined the Scientific Committee of PSSI. Also a new board has been elected for a term of four years.

More information of The Polish Association of Artificial Intelligence Annual General Meeting can be found in General Meeting Report (in polish only). The Polish Association of Artificial Intelligence Board Report 2013 is available at the Documents page (in polish only, access only for PSSI members).

prof. Janusz Kacprzyk

Prof. J. Kacprzyk becomes a member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

We are very pleased to announce that Professor Janusz Kacprzyk has been elected by the Assembly of Academicians at BAS as one of three foreign members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

More information can be found at the BAS website.

Prof. R. Słowiński becomes a member of „Academia Europaea”

We are very pleased to announce that Professor Roman Słowiński has been elected as a member of the European Academy of Humanities, Letters and Sciences „Academia Europaea”.

This European, non-governmental association was founded in 1988. Its members are scientists and scholars who collectively aim to promote learning, education and research. Among them there are fifty-two Nobel Laureates, several of whom were elected to the Academia before they received the prize. Prof. Słowiński is a member of Informatics Section of AE.

More information can be found in the Polish Press Agency news (available in Polish).

Professor. A. Skowron among the most cited scientists in the world

We are pleased to announce that Web of Sciences/Thomson Reuters has ranked Professor Andrzej Skowron,
who is an ECCAI Fellow and a member of PSSI Scientific Committee, among the 2012 most highly cited scholars in computer science globally.

Professor R. Tadeusiewicz becomes a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

We are very pleased to announce that Professor Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, vice-president of PSSI, has been elected as a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.

European Academy of Sciences and Arts is an association of scholars and friends of Sciences with headquarters in Salzburg.
It was created in 1990 and its members include 29 Nobel Prize winners.
The inauguration of the newly elected members participate in the work of the Academy will be held on 8 March 2014.

KICSS 2013 becomes the official PSSI conference for 2013!

KICSS 2013 (Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems) We are pleased to announce that this year KICSS 2013 has been selected by the Polish AI Society
(Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sztucznej Inteligencji – PSSI) as the official PSSI conference for 2013.
PSSI warmly invites all its members to submit papers to the conference (deadline: 29.07.2013).
We hope to meet you in Kraków!

The KICSS 2013 (Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems)
will be held on 7-9 of November in Kraków, Poland.

Conference website: http://www.kicss2013.ipbf.eu/.

PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2012

We have announced the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (Edition 2012):

dr inż. Dominik Belter dr inż. Piotr Andruszkiewicz dr Szymon Chojnacki dr inż. Przemysław Więch
dr inż. Dominik Belter dr inż. Piotr Andruszkiewicz dr Szymon Chojnacki dr inż. Przemysław Więch

More information about the winners and their dissertations can be found on the subpage 2012 Winners.

prof. Janusz Kacprzyk

The IFSA 2013 Award for Professor Janusz Kacprzyk

Professor Janusz Kacprzyk has been awarded the IFSA 2013 Award, the most prestigious award of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA),
in recognition of his outstanding academic contributions, his life time achievement in the field of fuzzy systems, and his continuous support of IFSA.
He is the sixth consecutive recipient of this award after Professors L.A. Zadeh, G.J. Klir, T. Terano, R.R. Yager and E. Trillas.

PSSI is a member of EAI

PSSI jest członkiem EAI The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society is a member of the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) since 10.09.2012.

Prof. Andrzej Skowron becomes an ECCAI Fellow

PSSI is delighted to announce that Prof. Andrzej Skowron has been selected by the ECCAI General Assembly as the new ECCAI Fellow.
The ECCAI selection committee acknowledged the excellence of his scientific research.


FedCSIS – the official PSSI conference for 2012!

We are pleased to announce that this year FedCSIS 2012 has been selected by the Polish AI Society
(Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sztucznej Inteligencji – PSSI) as the official PSSI conference for 2011.
PSSI warmly invites all its members to submit papers to the conference (deadline: 22.04.2012).
We hope to meet you in Wrocław!

The FedCSIS 2012 (Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems) will be held on 09–12.09.2012 in Wrocław.

PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2011

We have announced the winners of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest (Edition 2011):

Marcin Dziubiński Wojciech Jaśkowski Joanna Czajkowska
Dr. Marcin Dziubiński Dr. Wojciech Jaśkowski Dr. Joanna Czajkowska

More information about the winners and their dissertations can be found on the subpage 2011 Winners.

ECAI Conference 2012

We are pleased to announce that ECAI Conference 2012 (European Conference on Artificial Intelligence) will be held on 27–31.08.2012 in Montpellier, France.

PSSI warmly invites all its members and people interested in AI to take part in the conference.

Support of the Legomotive Contest

As we did last year, the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society supports LEGOmotive Robots Competition organized by BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) AGH on 15.12.2012.

Contest for the Best Ph.D. in AI

PSSI announces a contest for the best doctoral dissertation in Poland. More news (in Polish) here.

ICCCI Conference 2011 in Gdynia

The ICCCI 2011 (International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence), the official PSSI conference for 2011, was held on 21–23.09.2011 in Gdynia.
The conference offered an opportunity to meet and discuss the PSSI issues.

The Polish AI Society (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sztucznej Inteligencji – PSSI) thanks the organizers of the conference for the invitation and co-operation.

ECCAI General Assembly 2011

The ECCAI General Assembly 2011 will take place during International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011) at 20.00 - 21.00 on July 19th.

Prof. Stan Matwin becomes an ECCAI Fellow

PSSI is delighted to announce that Prof. Stan Matwin has been selected by the ECCAI General Assembly as the new ECCAI Fellow. The ECCAI selection committee acknowledged the excellence of his scientific research.

We would like to emphasize Professor Matwin’s involvement in AI in Poland. He has been a member of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society from the very beginning. He is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the society, created in 2009, almost from its beginning.

Professor Matwin participates regularly in the AI research in the Institute for Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, where he holds a research position, in the Institute of Computer Science of the University of Warsaw, in the Institute of Computer Science of the Warsaw Technical University, in the Institute for Decision Analysis and Support of the Warsaw School of Economics, and in the Institute of Computer Science of the Poznan Technical University.


PSSI Board Report 2010

The Polish Association of Artificial Intelligence Board Report 2010 is available at the Documents page (in polish only, access only for PSSI members).

ICCCI – the official PSSI conference for 2011!

We are pleased to announce that this year ICCCI 2011 has been selected by the Polish AI Society (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sztucznej Inteligencji – PSSI) as the official PSSI conference for 2011. PSSI warmly invites all its members to submit papers to the conference (deadline: 31.03.2011). Each PSSI member has a 10% discount on conference fee. Moreover, PSSI especially invites undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students to submit their papers. We hope to meet you in Gdynia!

The ICCCI 2011 (International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence) will be held on 21–23.09.2011 in Gdynia.

PSSI conference formula

A formula of PSSI conference has been worked out.

Because there are very good national scientific conferences on Artificial Intelligence, PSSI Board suggested not to organize a new conference. Instead of this, each year PSSI will select (after the Scientific Committee acceptance) one of the existing conferences, which in a given year will be the official PSSI conference. The formula was approved by the Scientific Committee of the Association.

PSSI hires a bookkeeper

PSSI has signed a commission contract with the bookkeeper for keeping accounts of the Association.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Wishing you happiness at Christmas time, and prosperity throughout the new year 2011, personal and scientific fulfillment, especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence

May Peace Hope and Love be with you Today Tomorrow and Always Merry Christmas!

Christmas cards with small gifts have been sent to all the PSSI members.

PSSI supports ICCCI

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society supports 3rd ICCCI 2011 (International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence), 21-23.09.2011, Gdynia, Poland. More information: conference flyer.


The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society supports LEGOmotive Robots Competition organized by BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) AGH on 16.11.2011.

PSSI supports Agent Day

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society cordially invites you to the Agent Day Special Session during the Intelligent Computing in Large-Scale Systems (ICLS 2011) workshop, 30.06-2.07, 2011, Korean Bible University (KBU), Seoul, Korea.

PSSI supports ACIIDS

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society cordially invites you to 3rd Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2010) 20-22 April, 2011, Deagu, Korea.

PSSI is a member of ECCAI

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society is a member of the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) since 18.08.2010.

PSSI registration

The Polish Artificial Intelligence Society has been registered (KRS number: 351975) on 22.03.2010.

PSSI founding

Founding of the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society on 27.11.2009.

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  • by kkutt