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en:start [2023/05/24 17:05] – [2023] kkutten:start [2023/07/07 18:14] (current) kkutt
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 ===== 2023 ===== ===== 2023 =====
 +{{  :img:piotr_faliszewski.jpg?width=200|prof. Piotr Faliszewski}}
 +=== Prof. Piotr Faliszewski joined the distinguished list of EurAI Fellows ===
 +We are very pleased to announce that our member, **Prof. Piotr Faliszewski**, has been awarded **the prestigious title of EurAI Fellow**. \\
 +The official announcement of the distinction can be found at: https://www.eurai.org/eurai-fellows-2023
 +We sincerely congratulate the Professor on this success and are happy that another member of the Polish AI community is among this honorable group!
 === PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2022 ===  === PSSI Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence Contest 2022 === 
  • en/start.txt
  • Last modified: 21 months ago
  • by kkutt