Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. [[|{{ :img:emag_podst_pelna.png?w=250|Łukasiewicz - EMAG}}]] ===== Our supporter: Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG ===== **[[|Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG]]** is a network institute specializing in applied computer science, technical informatics and information technologies. It deals with, among others, cyber security, artificial intelligence (AI/ML), data analysis (decision support systems), IoT (Industry 4.0, Smart Cities), digital public services and laboratory research. The unit carries out tasks affecting the computerisation and IT security of the country. Among others, it participates in the creation of the National Scheme for Security and Privacy Assessment and Certification of IT products and systems in accordance with CommonCriteria. It is also co-implementing a project envisaging the launch of a Cyber Security Centre. In the field of AI/ML, the institute carries out a number of works and R&D projects related to the issues of: treatment personalization, clinical and genetic data analysis, AI/ML applications in cyber security, machine and device diagnostics, creation of analytical platforms for processing sensitive data. Examples of key AI/ML projects carried out at the Institute include: * Integrated Analytical Platform * A skeleton system for automatic translation into Polish Sign Language using a virtual human figure mechanism * Construction of a tool dedicated to protection of users, systems and devices of the Internet of Things, based on machine learning and behavioural analysis * Childhood ALL in Poland (CALL-POL) project: a national harmonization of diagnostics and treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children Łukasiewicz-EMAG specialists also participate -- as experts -- in the preparation of AI/ML challenges and competitions announced on the GovTech platform. en/wspierajacy/emag.txt Last modified: 4 years agoby kkutt